A digital tool for reporting RUH and carrying out SJA can save lives
Good HSE in a company depends on all employees reporting anything that is not safe and secure so that good measures can be implemented.
In SmartDok, we have the function RUH, Registration of Unwanted Events. This is the function for reporting what goes wrong and what was about to go wrong. The purpose is to find measures so that it does not happen again.
Imagine if you were about to get a tool in the head from someone working above you on a scaffolding, but then it went well. You don’t register it, and the following week a colleague gets a drill in the head and is badly injured. If you had taken the time to report when the accident was almost over, the colleague would probably have escaped injury.
The management then had to ensure that the incident was reviewed, what was about to happen, what the reason was and what had to be done to ensure that it would not happen to you or anyone else. In that way, you would have put in place a routine for helmet use and equipment for securing tools against falling from scaffolding.
Good HSEQ in a company depends on all employees reporting anything that is not safe and secure so that good measures can be implemented.
The Ødegaard brothers are skilled with RUH
Pål Marius as HSEQ Manager in the company and has seen great benefit in working well with RUH. According to him, it is one of the most important parts of the company’s HSEQ work.
The Ødegaard brothers are skilled with RUH
Pål Marius as HSEQ Manager in the company and has seen great benefit in working well with RUH. According to him, it is one of the most important parts of the company’s HSEQ work.
Hot topic
Brødrene Ødegaard in Fredrikstad believes that working with HSE is important for the final product, and has a strong focus on unwanted incidents.
– I want to highlight RUH, which is a hot topic with us these days, says Pål Marius.
– There we use a very good solution in SmartDok which allows us to take pictures, enter what has happened, and come up with suggestions for corrective measures.
– This way, the person responsible can send out answers and initiate measures very quickly.
– We can also monitor the treatment time at each RUH, which puts some pressure on the person responsible, he says finally.
Prevent using Safe Job Analysis (SJA)
Risk assessment of one’s own company’s activities is required by law and the foundation of an HSEQ system must always include a mapping and risk assessment that leads to risk-reducing measures in the form of, for example, routines and checklists that must be followed in the various work operations. In addition, there may be work operations that require an additional review, in which case a digital tool for SJA is welcome.
Full control over who has signed
V&T Entreprenør in Egersund uses HSEQ in SmartDok in its daily HSEQ work. The company has put good routines in place, which has resulted in a complete management system and three ISO certifications.
– It has become much easier to follow up Safe Job Analysis via SmartDok. In comparison, if you have it on paper, which results in you not being able to get them registered and also not following up in the same way, as when you have everything in one system, says HSE manager Elisabeth Kjørmo at V&T Entreprenør.
– Now we have control over who has signed, and if there is something missing, it is easy to give feedback if there is something that should have been different.
Contact us in SmartDok to get started with our HSEQ system.