The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority is a Norwegian government agency that is responsible for following up that the Working Environment Act and other laws and regulations that apply to working conditions are followed.

The Norwegian Labor Inspectorate has a wide range of tasks, and can help both employers and employees with a number of questions and challenges in addition to carrying out inspections.

Helps you to follow the regulations

SmartDok’s HSEQ system helps you work better, safer and smarter!

Helps you to follow the regulations

SmartDok’s HSEQ system helps you work better, safer and smarter!

Help for employers

The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority can help employers with:

  • Ensure a good working environment. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority can give advice and guidance on how to create a good working environment for your employees. This may include questions about physical conditions at the workplace, working hours, HSE, and employment law.
  • Comply with the legislation. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority can assist employers in understanding and complying with the Working Environment Act and other relevant laws and regulations.
  • Resolve conflicts. The Norwegian Labor Inspectorate can help resolve conflicts between employer and employee.

Help for workers

The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority can help employees with:

  • Get information about your rights. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has a number of information materials that can give employees an overview of their rights.
  • Resolve conflicts. The Norwegian Labor Inspectorate can assist employees in resolving conflicts with employers.
  • Complaint about violation of the Working Environment Act. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority can process complaints about violations of the Working Environment Act.

Examples of how the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority can help

Here are some examples of how the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority can help employers and employees:

  • An employer can ask the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority how they can ensure that working hours are reasonable for their employees.
  • An employee can ask the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority whether they have the right to say no to overtime work.
  • An employee can complain to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority if they believe that the employer is breaking the law by not giving them breaks.

How to contact the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority

The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority can be contacted in several ways. You can call, send an e-mail, or visit one of the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority’s offices. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority also has a website with a lot of information and guidance.


The Norwegian Labor Inspectorate is an important resource for both employers and employees. The Norwegian Labor Inspectorate can help ensure that the working environment is good and that the law is followed.