A threat to Norway’s future!

The building and construction industry is one of Norway’s most important industries, and accounts for a significant part of value creation and employment in the country. But the industry faces a number of challenges, and one of the biggest is an extensive unmet need for skills.

How many lack skills?

NHO’s competence barometer for 2023 shows that 7 out of 10 companies in the building and construction industry have an unmet competence need. This means that they do not have access to the expertise they need to run their business in an efficient and sustainable way.

Which subject areas lack expertise?

It is particularly within the craft subjects that the lack of competence is greatest. Almost 75 per cent of the companies in the industry say that they lack professionals in trades. This applies, among other things, to professions such as carpentry, electricians, plumbers and painters.

In addition, there is a significant lack of engineering and technical expertise. Over half of the companies in the industry say that they lack engineers and professionals with a technical background.

Get an overview of the competencies

If you are a project administrator or base in SmartDok, you can get an overview of the skills of the employees on the project

Get an overview of the competencies

If you are a project administrator or base in SmartDok, you can get an overview of the skills of the employees on the project

Consequences of unmet skills needs

The unmet need for skills in the construction industry has a number of negative consequences, both for the industry itself and for Norway as a society.

  • Reduced productivity and efficiency: The industry loses valuable time and money due to a lack of skills.
  • Delays and cost overruns: Projects are delayed and over budget due to lack of professionals.
  • Quality problems: Lack of skills can lead to lower quality of construction and construction.
  • Safety issues: Lack of skills can lead to accidents and injuries in the workplace.
  • Impeding adjustment and innovation: The industry loses the ability to adjust to new technologies and trends.

What can be done to solve the problem?

There are no simple solutions to the problem of unmet skills needs in the construction industry. But there are a number of measures that can help improve the situation.

  • Increased investment in vocational subjects: There is a need to increase interest in vocational subjects among young people. This can be done by strengthening vocational subjects in schools and highlighting the many exciting and attractive career opportunities that exist in the industry.
  • Continuing Education and Retraining: There is a need to provide industry professionals with opportunities to further their education and retraining to stay current with new technologies and requirements.
  • Attractive work environment: The industry must work to create a more attractive work environment to attract and retain professionals. This includes, among other things, offering good pay and working conditions, a good working environment and opportunities for professional development.

A joint effort

Solving the problem of unmet skills needs in the construction industry requires a joint effort from the authorities, the industry and educational institutions. By working together, we can ensure that the industry has the expertise it needs to meet the challenges of the future.

Are you missing the overview?

Are you looking for an opportunity to keep better track of your employees’ skills and certificates? Read more about SmartDok’s Competence overview here.