It is said that good preparation is half the job, and this has never been more relevant to the building and construction industry.

With the autumn season’s high level of activity just around the corner, it is more important than ever to ensure that your business is set up for success. Poor documentation can not only lead to large claim costs 📉, but in the worst case it can also result in workplace accidents. But fear not – we’re here to help you navigate safely through this busy period.

With SmartDok 📲, Norway’s most used documentation system for the construction industry, you can optimize your company and achieve higher efficiency, increased security and better profitability. Get started before autumn is here, and experience the difference SmartDok can make for you and your business! 🏗️

Everything you need, right in your pocket
– in one app

The SmartDok app: Ease of use and efficiency packed into one app for the construction industry.

Everything you need, right in your pocket
– in one app

The SmartDok app: Ease of use and efficiency packed into one app for the construction industry.

Get started with SmartDok

Getting started with SmartDok is easy. Our system is known for being user-friendly, and with our good training routines and knowledgeable employees who know the industry, you are well covered. Choose freely between modules that will give your company value from the first click on the app. Contact us today, and let us help you get started before autumn!

Data collection at its best with SmartDok

SmartDok is an outstanding tool for data collection, which gives you the opportunity to follow the pulse of the project in real time. Whether you prefer the simple, built-in project overview in SmartDok, or want to utilize advanced analysis tools such as Power BI, you have all the flexibility you need to adapt to your company’s size and needs.

Groundwork West in Bergen experiences great value from using SmartDok. 

Simple and accessible HSEQ system

No manager wants their employees to be exposed to accidents in the workplace. With an HSEQ system that is easily accessible and easy to use, the risk of this can be reduced considerably. Our system gives you a full overview, easy registration of deviations, and helps you meet the HSEQ requirements.

SmartDok is not only an HSEQ system, but also a full-fledged quality system that ensures that your company meets all requirements and standards in the industry. It easily integrates important HSE documents such as RUH (Report on Unwanted Incident), SJA (Safe Job Analysis), Image documentation, and the HSEQ manual, and provides a streamlined process for non-conformity registration and compliance with HSE requirements. By offering an easily accessible and easy-to-use system, SmartDok reduces the risk of workplace accidents and contributes to a safer workplace.

Efficient time registration with SmartDok

Poor routines for time recording can overturn a project’s profitability. With our user-friendly app, SmartDok helps your employees register hours more easily, and simplifies the administration’s work with payroll and invoices.

Overview of machinery and mass transport

With SmartDok, you get full control over your fixed assets, fuel consumption and service. Register transport lists, product consumption and mass transport straight from your mobile!

A system with many modules

SmartDok currently offers many modules. You choose which ones suit your company. The system contains, among other things, attendance lists, document center, resource planner, competence overview, work routes, tool overview and triplog. All in one system!