Avoid complaints with the photo documentation in SmartDok
Documenting work done is natural, but many people may not think about all the advantages of doing this through the image function in the SmartDok app.
Documentation of the projects via images is not a new function in SmartDok, nor is the knowledge of how important this is in relation to any complaints. However, being able to showcase the quality of work carried out, both externally and internally, is worth its weight in gold and something we constantly receive good feedback from our customers about!
Documents with pictures
– Documentation is important so that we can prepare correct invoices and document a good job, says Nina Helene Karlstrøm in Gravetjenesten AS.
Documents with pictures
– Documentation is important so that we can prepare correct invoices and document a good job, says Nina Helene Karlstrøm in Gravetjenesten AS.
Show off what you’ve done
Thousands of photos are submitted every single week in SmartDok, photos documenting completed work, planned work, deviations or other purposes.
The images are entered on the correct project and sorted below, for example by road, ditch, stake number or plot. For more accurate information, you can also draw on, write on and add a comment to the images before they are submitted. You can also attach GPS data and road information.
Since the images are linked to your project, they can be easily identified, and this can be very useful for finding images from a specific area or for finding images that show a specific element on the construction site.
Documents compliance
– We must have a good system that documents compliance. We must be able to prove that we have done a job according to requirements and drawings, says Henning Lysgaard in Bertelsen & Garpestad.
Documents compliance
– We must have a good system that documents compliance. We must be able to prove that we have done a job according to requirements and drawings, says Henning Lysgaard in Bertelsen & Garpestad.
Important tool and HSEQ focus
Image documentation is a useful tool for documenting work carried out in the construction industry because it provides visual awareness of what has been done. Images provide an immediate understanding of what has happened at a particular point in time, and can make it easy to compare with other points in time to show changes or progress.
Pictures of completed projects are used to show customers what has been done, and pictures of work in progress can be used to inform about what is to be done in the future.
This can also be useful for documenting the quality of the work carried out. For example, pictures of welding work or other critical work can be used to show that the work has been carried out according to specifications.
Pictures are part of the final documentation
– Final documentation is important, that we can, for example, send over checklists with pictures, says Pål Marius Fredriksen in Brødrene Ødegård AS.
Pictures are part of the final documentation
– Final documentation is important, that we can, for example, send over checklists with pictures, says Pål Marius Fredriksen in Brødrene Ødegård AS.
Easier post-work
Photo documentation is only becoming more and more important for companies that, among other things, use it as a sub-document for invoicing. This makes the finishing work much easier!
Would you like to use SmartDok to control the documentation?