How Brødrene Gudbrandsen master modern facility management with SmartDok and ProAdm

At Lena in Østre Toten municipality, we find Brødrene Gudbrandsen, a company that has been part of the Norwegian construction industry for almost three quarters of a century. They have not only survived in a competitive industry, but also thrived, thanks to a clever blend of traditional values and modern technology.

We had a chat with project manager Rolf Anders Faraas and plant manager Håvard Lundby about how they use digital aids to keep control of the projects.

The efficiency of project management is further enhanced through the integration between SmartDok and ProAdm, says Rolf Anders Faraas.

Control of projects with SmartDok and ProAdm

In a world where time management and resource allocation are crucial for success, Brødrene Gudbrandsen stand out as an example of an innovative approach to project management. The heart of their success lies in their use of the digital systems SmartDok and ProAdm.

Rolf Anders Faraas, project manager at Brødrene Gudbrandsen, gives a deeper insight into how they implement these systems to achieve optimal efficiency.

– In the initial phase of each project, we use ProAdm for detailed planning and resource calculations. Here we divide the projects into location codes (activities in SmartDok), which enable us to track exactly how many hours are spent on each individual activity in what our employees register in SmartDok.

This system gives them the ability to not only track, but also predict and adjust work as needed.

– With ProAdm and SmartDok, it will be like having a live update of the project’s status, Rolf Anders continues.

– If we see that part of the project requires more time or resources than planned, we can quickly adjust to stay within both schedule and budget.

In the office, Rolf Anders has a full overview of the project’s progress with SmartDok and ProAdm up on the screens.

A bird’s eye view of the entire process

Efficiency in project management is further enhanced through the integration between SmartDok and ProAdm. This seamless link between the two systems enables management to have a complete overview and control of the projects.

– It’s like having a bird’s eye view of the entire process, says Rolf Anders.

– We can see which parts of the project are going well, and which need more attention!

Today, the company uses Visma Payroll as its payroll program, and the integration with this system also provides a unique advantage when it comes to cost control.

– It is essential for us to keep an eye on the costs, especially with regard to subcontractors, he adds.

– With these systems, we can ensure that we are always one step ahead, and that gives us a significant advantage in a competitive industry.

Through SmartDok, HSEQ comes alive

The proactive approach to HSE not only ensures compliance with safety standards, but also contributes to a safer and more inclusive working environment, says Håvard Lundby.

Through SmartDok, HSEQ comes alive

The proactive approach to HSE not only ensures compliance with safety standards, but also contributes to a safer and more inclusive working environment, says Håvard Lundby.

Change notifications: The key to flexible project management

Change notifications are critical in the construction industry to deal with unforeseen changes quickly and efficiently. The Gudbrandsen brothers solve this elegantly by integrating SmartDok and ProAdm.

– When changes occur, we adjust with SmartDok and ProAdm. It keeps our projects flexible and on track, says Håvard Lundby, plant manager.

This approach ensures that Brødrene Gudbrandsen is always prepared to handle changes effectively and without major disruptions.

HSEQ is more than just routine

Health, environment and safety (HSEQ) at Brødrene Gudbrandsen is not just a set of rules, but a living part of their work culture.

– HSE is the backbone of our operations, says Rolf Anders Faraas, project manager.

The company has adopted the SmartMEF module in SmartDok to streamline the HSE documentation and checklists.

Plant manager Håvard Lundby emphasizes the importance of this in practice.

– Through SmartDok, HSEQ comes alive. We use it to register everything from checklists to RUH (reporting of adverse events). This enables us to react quickly to deviations and continuously improve the working environment, he explains.

This proactive approach to HSE not only ensures compliance with safety standards, but also contributes to a safer and more inclusive working environment. The Gudbrandsen brothers show that good HSE practice is an integral and valuable part of their daily work.

Tip top with Volvo and digital aids

– It is easy to register hours, HSE and other documentation in the app, which results in me spending more time digging with the Volvo than documenting. I like that, says Machine Operator Stian Gudbrandsen.

Tip top with Volvo and digital aids

– It is easy to register hours, HSE and other documentation in the app, which results in me spending more time digging with the Volvo than documenting. I like that, says Machine Operator Stian Gudbrandsen.

Photo documentation is good for all parties

For Brødrene Gudbrandsen, photo documentation is more than just part of the job; it is an essential practice for accurate and efficient project execution.

– We attach great importance to taking good overview pictures, explains plant manager Håvard Lundby.

– It is important not only to document, but also to give context to the images.

Lundby explains how the team actively uses images to add details such as road references or gutter lines, which is easily done through SmartDok.

– Being able to draw and write directly on the images gives an extra dimension to our documentation. This not only helps us in our work, but also makes it easier for the client to follow the progress and quality of the project.

This method ensures that Brødrene Gudbrandsen can document each step of the project in detail and precisely.

– With this approach, it is easy to find back to specific images, which is invaluable when we have to prove that work has been carried out according to plan, emphasizes Lundby.

Image documentation thus becomes a powerful tool for Brødrene Gudbrandsen, which simplifies communication both internally and with clients, and ensures a higher standard of accuracy and quality in their projects.

A company for the future

For Brødrene Gudbrandsen, photo documentation is more than just part of the job; it is an essential practice for accurate and efficient project execution.

– We attach great importance to taking good overview pictures, explains plant manager Håvard Lundby.

– It is important not only to document, but also to give context to the images.

Lundby explains how the team actively uses images to add details such as road references or gutter lines, which is easily done through SmartDok.

– Being able to draw and write directly on the images gives an extra dimension to our documentation. This not only helps us in our work, but also makes it easier for the client to follow the progress and quality of the project.

This method ensures that Brødrene Gudbrandsen can document each step of the project in detail and precisely.

– With this approach, it is easy to find back to specific images, which is invaluable when we have to prove that work has been carried out according to plan, emphasizes Lundby.

Image documentation thus becomes a powerful tool for Brødrene Gudbrandsen, which simplifies communication both internally and with clients, and ensures a higher standard of accuracy and quality in their projects.

Managing director Frode Tangsveen is concerned that SmartDok and ProAdm constantly develop to keep up with developments and legal requirements in the industry.