Competence and financial strength are two of the most important factors behind EnergiPluss' good reputation in the industry.

EnergiPluss, established in 2016 at Tynset, has grown to become one of Norway’s leading players in solar energy

Med solid erfaring innen forbruksanalyser, prosjektering, montering, installasjon, drift og overvåkning, leverer EnergiPluss skreddersydde solcelleanlegg over hele Norge. Nå tar de et steg videre ved å implementere SmartDok for å styrke sitt internkontrollsystem, kvalitet og

With solid experience in consumption analyses, engineering, assembly, installation, operation and monitoring, EnergiPluss supplies tailor-made solar systems throughout Norway. Now they are taking a step further by implementing SmartDok to strengthen their internal control system, quality and health, environment and safety (HSE).

We have spoken to project manager Øystein Thorsen about the company’s decision to implement the digital documentation system SmartDok.

– My main task is to follow up on projects for the public sector, which is known for making a number of demands. We realized the need for an improved internal control system, as well as follow-up of HSEQ, deviations, quality and handling of unwanted incidents, Thorsen explains.

– SmartDok contains many of the functions we want, including ready-made form templates, HSE templates and checklists, which means that we only need to adapt a little. This saves us from having to start from scratch.

SmartDok also functions as a platform for communication with subcontractors, which further strengthens the company’s ability to collaborate.

Project manager Øystein Thorsen in EnergiPluss
Project manager Øystein Thorsen in EnergiPluss

Documents with pictures to ensure quality

We document with pictures and checklists at the start and at the end of the projects, says Øystein Thorsen.

Project manager Øystein Thorsen in EnergiPluss

Documents with pictures to ensure quality

We document with pictures and checklists at the start and at the end of the projects, says Øystein Thorsen.

High professional competence in the company

EnergiPluss currently has 11 employees, but engages twice as many through subcontractors.

– The catchment area is the whole of Norway, but at the moment it is mostly inland, around Oslo and in the south. Interest is also increasing from the north.

Who are your customers, essentially?

– We deliver to industry, agriculture, the public sector and the private sector.

Competence and financial strength are two of the most important factors behind EnergiPluss’ good reputation in the industry. The company designs, imports, delivers, assembles and operates complete solar cell systems throughout Norway. The facilities are monitored from the operations center and assist customers who may have problems with their facilities.

– The equipment we buy in is based on experience and quality, says Thorsen.

The company has also developed an assembly manual in SmartDok which is available to partners via mobile or PC.

Documents with checklists and pictures

When EnergiPluss delivers a plant, their highest priority is to ensure customer satisfaction and to maintain a first-class quality of delivery.

– After one year of operation, we evaluate the plants to see if they are producing approximately what we have calculated in advance. In case of large deviations, we can possibly make changes that improve production in the plant.

– We follow up the customer, and if we see significant deviations, we make adjustments – but most plants produce what we have said, and perhaps more, says Thorsen.

To document and ensure quality, the company has started using SmartDok’s checklists and photo documentation.

– We document with pictures and checklists at the start and at the end of the projects – so that we are sure that they have understood everything, and that we avoid “penalty rounds”, he says.

The company has also developed an assembly manual in SmartDok which is available to partners via mobile or PC.

Big savings with solar panels

Once a plant is installed and put into operation, the customer can expect significant power savings as a result.

Thorsen gives us an insight into solar cell plants’ electricity production and their role in the green shift. He explains that a private 10 kW solar plant in the south produces approximately 9,000-10,000 kWh of electricity annually.

– This provides significant electricity savings for homeowners and the opportunity to sell excess electricity to the grid.

Øystein also emphasizes that solar energy alone does not constitute the entire solution to the green shift, but that both solar and wind power will play an important role.

– According to Statkraft’s analysis, approximately two-thirds of the global energy supply will come from solar and wind by 2050, with solar energy making up the majority.

The future looks bright for solar panels and their contribution to the green shift, he says finally.

If you have questions about solar systems, or would like an offer, contact EnergiPluss today!