By implementing SmartDok and PowerOffice, Fureli Maskin has not only simplified its own everyday life with better control, but also strengthened the trust and satisfaction among its customers

In the municipality of Høyanger, along the west coast of Norway, lies Vadheim – home to Fureli Maskin. The company has distinguished itself as a trusted machine contractor for both private and public clients. From its early days in 2007, general manager Leif Arne Fureli has built up a company that stands for quality, reliability and commitment.

But with growth also comes challenges, especially when it comes to administration and project management.

Leif Arne shares insights about the situation before they adopted digital tools:

– Before we adopted SmartDok and PowerOffice, I could feel that I was losing track of the projects and the administration. It was simply too much information to handle manually, says Leif Arne.

Good control is good for customers

By introducing SmartDok and PowerOffice, Leif Arne Fureli and his team ensured a seamless handling of both project management and finances. This digitization has given them the ability to deliver work with improved accuracy and efficiency, which directly enhances customer satisfaction.

Customers and clients of Fureli Maskin now benefit from the reliability of the documentation presented, which confirms the company’s reputation as a reliable partner in the industry.

Effective documentation and financial management also results in a lot of time saved.

– The time savings are significant for us by adopting such systems. Although I cannot put an exact sum on it, there is no doubt that the efficiency gains bring financial benefits to both us and the customer.

Fureli Maskin employees enjoy simpler days, thanks to integrated documentation and accounting systems that work in harmony.

Efficiency gain with SmartDok

The implementation of SmartDok has marked a significant improvement at Fureli Maskin, and has positively affected everyone from the field to the office. Whether it is Frode securing landslide areas, Edvard operating the excavator, or Leif Arne balancing time between the office and field work, SmartDok has simplified the process of documenting completed work for the entire team.

– SmartDok has really revolutionized the way we work, says Leif Arne.

As a MEF member, the company reaps many benefits, one of which is access to SmartMEF, MEF’s HSEQ system in SmartDok.

– It gives us a comprehensive system for time registration and management of HSEQ, all intertwined with MEF’s form templates. This has simplified our working day enormously, he says.

Leif Arne also points to the integrated approach to quality assurance and health, environment and safety as a significant advantage.

He strongly values the fact that SmartDok collects all project documentation in a centralized document centre, which makes the information practically available to everyone working on the projects.

Furthermore, he highlights how the system streamlines time recording for both crew and machines.

– In SmartDok, we can easily register hours for everything from crew to small jumping jacks, large excavators and trucks – all in one operation, on one screen!

In that context, we had to ask how he solves resource allocation in the company?

– We use the Resource Planner in the system, which makes it very easy to allocate our people and machines to different projects. It is easy to use, and suits my company well.

Documents with pictures

Image documentation in SmartDok linked to projects is important for the company. Everyone in the company documents work done and product consumption. This is good documentation in the event of a complaint, says Leif Arne.

Documents with pictures

Image documentation in SmartDok linked to projects is important for the company. Everyone in the company documents work done and product consumption. This is good documentation in the event of a complaint, says Leif Arne.

A financial system that understands the construction industry

The efficiency did not stop with SmartDok. The introduction of PowerOffice gave Fureli Maskin the financial overview they needed.

– With PowerOffice we got control, explains Leif Arne.

– Being able to see the economy in real time, and knowing exactly where we stand, has been a big advantage for us. And the fact that I now understand more of what the accountant does makes my part of the job easier.

He adds that the time savings and increased control are significant benefits, at no additional cost compared to the time before PowerOffice was implemented.

– With PowerOffice, I have a full overview every month. It is easy to track down invoices or other documentation when I need it. Everything is easily accessible.

Which brings us on to the fact that Leif Arne must also highlight the app for PowerOffice.

– The app is amazing; it has everything I need available and is very user-friendly for everything from travel bills to receipts.

Leif Arne spends less time in front of the computer, and has gained more control and interest in finances after using PowerOffice as his accounting system.

The collaboration with NOR Logistikk

Together, Leif Arne and his accountant from NOR Logistikk, Karianne Hestad, have developed a productive collaboration.

– We have a good system in place now. She takes care of the accounts, while I am responsible for invoicing and approving salaries, he explains.

NOR Logistikk, which now serves over 50 customers primarily in the transport and machine contractor sector, has chosen a specialized approach. Karianne explains their focus:

– Working with a specific industry allows us to dive deep into the details and really understand our customers’ needs. This allows us to assist them in adjusting costs more effectively, says Karianne.

Leif Arne applied to NOR Logistikk to tackle liquidity challenges, a common issue in the industry.

– I wanted more control and to digitize our financial management, which led us to PowerOffice. NOR Logistikk was very supportive of this transition, he says.

Karianne emphasizes the value of the customer’s involvement in their finances:

– Our most rewarding client relationships are those where the client is actively engaged in their financial data and considers it a tool for management. It creates a dynamic where the client becomes more interested in their financial status and asks questions, which is the basis for a successful operation, she says.

With the implementation of PowerOffice, Leif Arne has noticed a significant change in his daily routine.

– The difference is night and day. I can now log in and get an immediate understanding of the financial situation, making PowerOffice an invaluable tool for me.

Data flow between SmartDok and PowerOffice has resulted in improved payroll routines, and more efficient project and financial management.

– This has not only made everyday life easier for us as employees, but has also ensured a better end product for our customers, concludes Leif Arne.

The difference is like night and day

Leif Arne can log in and follow the numbers in PowerOffice. PowerOffice is very user-friendly, and thus easier for him to be involved and concerned with the finances of the operation, says Karianne Hestad.

The difference is like night and day

Leif Arne can log in and follow the numbers in PowerOffice. PowerOffice is very user-friendly, and thus easier for him to be involved and concerned with the finances of the operation, says Karianne Hestad.

Quality and reliability

With these digital tools, Fureli Maskin has not only made its operations more efficient, but also strengthened its competitiveness in the market. Leif Arne concludes with a reflection on the company’s success and reputation:

– It’s always about quality and reliability, which we believe we score high on. Being conscientious is extremely important to us, he says.

By adopting digital aids, the company has not only improved its internal efficiency, but also its ability to deliver quality work to customers. This is what builds a strong reputation.

Fureli Maskin is proof that digitization can provide great benefits for construction companies. By adopting digital tools, you can increase efficiency, improve customer service and become more competitive.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Fureli Maskin has a good reputation based on high quality delivered over many years.
  • SmartDok has simplified time registration, HSEQ and documentation.
  • PowerOffice gives Leif Arne full control over the company’s finances.
  • The collaboration with NOR Logistikk has been decisive for the success.
  • The digital tools have made everyday life easier and improved the final product.
  • Fureli Maskin is an example for other construction companies to follow.